Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008


Transfer Factor sudah kita kenal sejak dulu dalam bentuk yang berbeda. Ketika pertama kali kita meminum Air SUsu Ibu (ASI) yang awal (satu atau dua hari setelah ibu melahirkan), sejak saat itu kita mengkonsumsi Transfer Factor. Sungguh sangat besar manfaat ASI yang mengandung banyak Transfer Faktor ini. Secara alami seluruh pertahanan atas penyakit yang pernah diderita sang ibu diberikan kepada sang bayi lewat ASI. Sehingga terlihat sungguuh beda Ketahanan Tubuh bayi yang diberikan susu awal ASI dengan yang tidak.

Dan kini 4LIFE RESEARCH, telah mengembangkan penelitian yang sangat bermanfaat bagi umat manusia dengan menemukan Transfer Factor yang dapat diambil oleh seluruh manusia dengan mencari sumber lain yang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan proses produksi. Bahkan tidak berhenti disitu penemuan terbesar dalam sejarah kesehatan ini terus dikembangkan karena memang bidang 4LIFE di research bidang Kesehatan.

Sejak ditemukannya hingga tahun 1998, tidak pernah ada henti-hentinya ulasan mengenai Transfer Factor. Ada dua sisi yang terus diulas hingga detik ini yaitu sisi kesehatan dimana Transfer Factor dapat meningkatkan NK Sel (Natural Killer Cell) hingga 437%, dan sisi lainnya adalah bisnis pendistribusian Transfer Factor yang dikemas dengan cara jaringan.

Bagai dua sisi mata uang kesehatan badan dan kesehatan keuangan merupakan konsern yang ditawarkan oleh 4LIFE RESEARCH. Dan kini TF telah masuk ke Indonesia melalui orang-orang yang konsern dibidang kesehatan dan bisnis jaringan, 4lIFE NETWORK.

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

William Hennen Ph.D. - Biochemis dan peneliti yg berpengalaman sebagai pencipta dan pemilik patent lebih dari 30 jenis supplemen dan obat-obatan.

Dr Bill Hennen has not worked for 4-life for years now. He is now working with a new company called Forever Green if you would like to know more about the new and improved TF AIM e-mail me at

4Life Researcher :

4Life Researcher :
David Lesonbee - Berpengalaman lebih dari 20 thn dlm industri MLM bidang kesehatan. William Hennen Ph.D. - Biochemis dan peneliti yg berpengalaman sebagai pencipta dan pemilik patent lebih dari 30 jenis supplemen dan obat-obatan. Calvin McCausland Ph.D. R&D - Scientist Pakar formulasi suplemen. Telah menghasilkan lebih dari 500 supplemen. Satu-satunya warga Amerika yang dianugerahi “Academician” oleh Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) - Emma Oganova Ph.D. President of Eurasia - Berpengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dlm bidang nutrition & kesehatan. Penerima award Kosigin (1998) dan Pokrovsky (2000) dari federasi Russia.

Pakar-pakar Sains Kedokteran : Imunolog - Kangker - Nutrisi - Jantung.

Pakar-pakar Sains Kedokteran : Imunolog - Kangker - Nutrisi - Jantung.
Dari kanan ke kiri : Robert Robertson M.D. - Richard Bennet Ph.D. - Cynthia Olson M.D. - Duane Townsend M.D. - David Markowitz M.D. - Kenneth A Bock MD, FAAFP - Edgar A Guess MD, FACOG - Suzette Lawrence RN, CNM - MSN.

The History of Transfer Factor and Nanofractions

For more than a decade, 4Life® (the immune system company) has led the industry in immune system discovery and innovation. Where did it all begin? With the revolutionary molecules in your own body.

Transfer Factors
In 1996, 4Life Chief Executive Officer David Lisonbee came across a patent for the extraction of transfer factors. Transfer factors are molecules found within the immune systems of all mammals and birds. Dubbed “the memory molecules,” transfer factors serve as important components of the immune system throughout your entire life.
In 1998, 4Life licensed the patent to extract transfer factors from cow colostrum. In the years that followed, 4Life launched new products, stabilized transfer factors in liquid form, patented the extraction of transfer factors from chicken egg yolks, and combined our two sources for a truly synergistic formula.

Scientists have known that smaller molecules than transfer factors existed within colostrum, but they never determined if they had any immune activity. In 2007, David Lisonbee and the 4Life Research and Development team isolated these nanofraction molecules, tested them, and determined their potential to support the immune system.
Nanofractions are low-weight molecules found in the immune systems of certain mammals and birds. They function as part of the “command and control” network of the immune system.
Transfer factors and nanofractions transfer immune memory, knowledge, and wisdom from one entity to another. The two most abundant and safest sources for transfer factors and nanofractions are cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks. Because these molecules aren’t species-specific, we can benefit from the knowledge gained by these animals during their lifetimes by transferring that knowledge from their immune cells to ours.

How do they work?
Despite their tiny size, transfer factors and nanofractions can make a big impact on the immune system.

Be Smart.
Your immune system relies on information. Specifically, it needs to know (1) that there’s a problem and (2) how to deal with it. The communication molecules of 4Life Transfer Factor keep your immune system informed and ready to respond.

Be Speedy.
4Life Transfer Factor helps your immune system act quickly, keeping your immune system in fighting form.

Be Effective.
4Life Transfer Factor educates your immune system; it tracks the invaders you’ve encountered in the past and how your body dealt with them. This history of success helps your immune system respond quickly and effectively to each new event.